The journal of a television writer

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back to the grindstone

Phew! Me and my oppo - that's writing partner to you - Wee Tamm spent the whole long, long day writing one ninth of a sitcom which we're hoping will find its way onto BBC Three eventually.

Most people don't realise it, but BBC Three is one of the hardest terrestrial channels to write comedy for. It's all too easy to feel intimidated by what has gone before - imagine entering the Louvre and being told to knock up something on an Etch-a-sketch!!! The sheer quality of shows like Tittybangbang, The Wall, Lily Allen and Friends, Trex and Flipside, Grownups, Little Miss Jocelyn, I'm With Stupid, Dogtown, How Not To Live Your Life, Scallywagga, Clone and most recently Horne and Corden, (to name but a few!) have raised the bar, in terms of edgy comedy for the 16-17 year old demographic, about as high as it will go.

So it was with a great sense of nervous excitement that me and Wee Tamm embarked on our task. Writing for BBC Three also involves reaching out to a certain audience, and we bore this strongly in mind when devising our sitcom, which is about a promising young free-runner, Spazcock, who steps on a landmine in Iraq and ends up in a coma, during which he's visited by the ghost of Biggie Smalls, who urges him to take up freestyle MCing in Huddersfield. It certainly ticks all the current BBC boxes!

We haven't got a title yet, but are toying with either "Da Shit", "Da Shizzle" or "Da Shit in Da Area" or "Da Shizzle in Da Area", all of which are potentially very good.

Anyway - all very exciting! Too tired to write more, but will keep you updated on how it shapes up over the next few weeks! Wickedy wah wah!

Big I

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